Tuesday, January 17, 2006


It was brought to my attention through a comment made on my last post from Alice that I had obviously not explored so here I am today exploring that.

The Hussy's and tramps aren't the only one's to blame for cheating, and I totally agree with that the men are just as much at fault, but let's face reality most men couldn't keep their dicks in their pants when they are out with the boy's and in a bad situation where these Hussy's and tramps hang out.

I believe a lot of men recognize the danger areas and stay away from them on purpose as they do not want to be in a bad situation and being a male let themselves not think with the right anatomy.

I know from personal experience that my own husband would not cheat on me as he has told me several times that if you put yourself in a bad situation only bad things will come from it. That is why he stays away from bar's (considering he doesn't drink much), he doesn't go to strip clubs as well DUH! That is your ultimate bad situation, as well as he always tells women he's married as he always has his wedding ring on and is very proud of having his children and I in his life. He tells everyone about us. I literally mean EVERYONE! LOL

If you ever ask a man why he cheated it is simply because he felt more connected to the other person whether he means sexually (no pun intended), or emotionally (was someone that would listen to him). Sometimes in a relationship we forget to listen to our partner so that person whether it be a female or male in the relationship goes off to find that missing piece in their relationship. Now of course if you do not recognize this and do something constructive about it you will fall into the destructive, which could mean doing something that later on you may regret.

Having said the above always think before you act, yes that even goes for men out there that like to forget they have a brain that rides above their waist.

In part I would like to also say that when a person cheats there is always an underlying reason, it was probably not because he wanted to have sex with someone new. It goes much deeper then that. A relationship is give and take and if your always giving or taking then that is not much of a relationship as a relationship is not 50%/50% it is in fact 100%/100% you both have to give and take as much as you can in order to live a balanced life.

So now that I think I have covered all I can without going on forever I would like to say thank you to all those who had great comments on my previous post. Keep them coming folks I always love to read what others have to say in regards to my posts and you never know I might just make a whole blog regarding that. LOL

Ciao ppl and remember your give and take has to be balanced as life is all about balance or karma will kick your ass *giggles*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Men say women are devious , but the fact of the matter is that men are as devious and lying as the very worst women i have ever known. Not only are they lying to their wives , but they spin this bullshit tale about not having things good at home and then make a vulnerable woman believe their shit...and then once the woman finds out how full of shit they are and breaks up with them, they start the rumor mill and raise hell over shit that never should have started to begin with. Seperate bedrooms and always arguing with his wife is easy to believe from a man that can lie well, but in the end the truth comes out and the person believing the lies is hurt more than the person that told them.....Never believe a married man EVER when he says his wife is a bitch and that they dont sleep together....its all a pack of lies and you will get caught up in shit that you dont need to be in...leave the lying fucker to rot in the mess he created and that way you wont feel like a fool for believing shit that you knew better than to even listen to....Nuff Said